Complete Restaurant Bartender Training Package

Our complete training package includes a customizable bartender training manual, bartender test, a bartender evaluation checklist, and of course a beautiful Certificate of Completion to award your newest bartender.


bartender training manual

Bartender Training Manual

This 49 page training manual has all of the basic information regarding employee training guidelines and standards for a new bartender. This includes, bar setup, procedures for cocktails, guest services, and so much more.


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bartender training test

Bartender Training Final Test

Test your newly hired employees about to start behind the bar to make sure the knowledge they have gained during training has set in and they are ready for the first shift.


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bartender training evaluation

Bartender Training Evaluation Form

Use this form to verify and evaluate the completion and understanding of the training program for the new employee.


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bartender training certificate

Bartender Training Completion Certificate

Award your newest bartender with this beautifully designed certificate of completion signifying that they have met all predetermined qualifications to hold the bartender position.  Fully editable design using a free account with Canva 


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